Status of Women in Islam

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Status of Women in Islam



Status of Women in Islam By Mohammad Shabbir Khan



A few decades back George Bernard Shaw greatly influenced English readers by his widely read book entitled The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism, when he wrote: “When the Mahomedan Reformation took place, it left its followers with the enormous advantage of the only established religion in the world, in whose articles of faith any intelligent and educated person could believe.”

Today the situation is altogether different. Any writer, preferably with a Muslim name, who is prepared to sell his/her conscience in order to traduce Islam and desecrate the Prophet can hope to win applause in the West. He/she would be received with a warm welcome and called an upholder of freedom of writing and speech for desecrating the unlettered man who gave a message to his followers that “The ink of a scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr.” Obviously, his words were meant for the scholars who uphold Truth.

Without entering into a controversy with any one of such: writers who are greatly esteemed in the West and the media, | have decided to write a small book on the “Status of Women in Islam.”

The book has been divided into two parts. The first part deals with the status of women in the family structure, society and

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Hakeem Muhammad Younas Shahid

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