تاریخ پاکستان، پرانگریزی/اردو زبان میں223 بہترین کتب ایک جگہ موجود

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تاریخ پاکستان، پر
انگریزی/اردو زبان میں
223 بہترین کتب ایک جگہ موجود


ایک کلک پر کسی بھی کتاب کو ڈائون لود کیا جاسکتا ہے


  1. A New Beginning, Reforms 1971-72
  2. A South Asia View
  3. Articles written to pay Tribute to Benazir Bhutto
  4. Awakening the People, Z A Bhutto 1966-69
  5. Benazir Bhutto by Katherine M. Doherty
  6. Benazir Bhutto Favored Daughter by Brook Allen
  7. Benazir Bhutto: A Political Biography
  8. Benazir Bhutto: Selected Speeches from 1989-2007
  9. Betrayals of Another Kind by Lt Gen Faiz Ali Chisti (Retd)
  10. Bhutto a Political Biography, by Salmann Taseer
  11. Bhutto the Man and the Martyr, by Sayid Ghulam Mustafa Shah
  12. Bhutto, the Pakistan Peoples Party and Political Development in Pakistan 1971-1977
  13. Bhutto Zia and Islam,  by Syed Mujawar Hussain Shah
  14. Bhutto: He was not hanged, by Ghulam Akbar
  15. Bhutto’s Vision of Pakistan
  16. Bilateralism New Directions by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  17. Blind Justice, by Bashir Riaz
  18. Daughter of Destiny, Autobiography By Benazir Bhutto
  19. Dictatorship in Pakistan: A Study of the Zia Era
  20. Foreign Policy in Perspective; Benazir Bhutto
  21. Foreign Policy of Pakistan; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Speeches 1962-64
  22. From Prison to Prime Minister
  23. Getting Away with Murder Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination and the Politics of Pakistan
  24. I Have Kept my Pledge with God and Man; Z. A. Bhutto
  25. If I am Assassinated; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  26. Important Press Conferences – 1965, Z A Bhutto
  27. Interview with History, Z A Bhutto by  Oriana Fallaci
  28. Issues in Pakistan by Benazir Bhutto
  29. Last days of Premier, Bhutto by Kausar Niazy
  30. Let the People Judge; Address to Hyderabad Convention – 1968
  31. Manifestos of Pakistan Peoples Party 1970 and 1977
  32. Marching towards Democracy, Z. A. Bhutto 1970-71
  33. Memoirs of a Bystander – A Life in Diplomacy Iqbal Akhund
  34. Mir Murtaza Bhutto; Events following his death, by Sani Panhwar
  35. My Dearest Daughter, Letter to Benazir Bhutto from Death Cell.
  36. My Execution; Statement by Z A Bhutto before the Supreme Court
  37. Pakistan and Ali Bhutto, by Friends of Pakistan – 1978
  38. Pakistan and the Muslim World; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  39. Pakistan The Gathering Storm, By Benazir Bhutto
  40. Pakistan Today, by Khalid Latif Guaba – 1977
  41. Pakistan Under Bhutto’s Leadership by Surendra Nath Kaushik – 1985
  42. Peace Keeping by the UN; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto – 1967
  43. Politics in Pakistan by Surendra Nath Kaushik – 1984
  44. Portrait of a A Political Murder by H S Bhatia
  45. PPP Program – April 1968
  46. Reshaping Foreign Policy 1946 – 1966,  Z. A. Bhutto
  47. Sardari System Abolished by Z. A. Bhutto in 1976
  48. Seminar on Z A Bhutto January 1995
  49. The Beautiful Tragedy of the Bhutto Dynasty, by Stefanie Taub
  50. The Bhutto Murder Trail – From Waziristan to GHQ
  51. The Great Tragedy, by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto  – August 20, 1971
  52. The Mirage of Power, by Mubashir Hasan
  53. The Myth of Independence, by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  54. The New Pakistan by Satish Kumar – 1978
  55. The Pakistan Papers, Smuggled from Prison – January 1979
  56. The Quest for Peace, Z A Bhutto 1963-65
  57. The Trial and Execution of Bhutto by J. C. Batra
  58. Third World – New Directions by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  59. Thoughts on some aspects of Islam by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  60. Trial and Error The Advent and Eclipse of Benazir Bhutto
  61. Tribute to Benazir Bhutto by Qayoom Nizami
  62. UN Report on Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination
  63. View Point; Benazir Bhutto, by Sani Panhwar
  64. Was Bhutto killed before hanging by Sadiq Jafri
  65. Waiting for Allah by Christina Lamb
  66. Who Assassinated Benazir Bhutto by Shakeel Anjum
  67. Witness to Splendour – Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
  68. Z. A. Bhutto and The Histriography of 1971
  69. Z. A. Bhutto the Architect of New Pakistan by Sayed Rasul Raza
  70. Zulfi Bhutto of Pakistan, by Stanley Wolpert
  71. Zulfi My Friend by Pillo Mody
  72. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Pakistan, 1967-1977 by Rafi Raza
  73. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto – Six Steps to Summit by Kamaleshwar Sinha
  74. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto – Speeches before the Security Council 1964
  75. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, January – March 1973
  76. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Speeches and Interviews, 1948 – 1966
  77. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Speeches and Statements – 1972
  78. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; A Memoir by Chakar Ali Junejo
  79. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; A Political Thinker by Fakhr Zaman and Akhtar Aman
  80. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; Jail File, Kot Lakhpat Jail Lahore
  81. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; Notes fron the Death Cell
  82. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; Politics of Charisma – Selection of Articles
  83. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; Recollections and Remembrance
  84. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; Short story on his life
  85. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto; The Falcon of Pakistan, by Abdul Ghafoor Bhurgri


  1. A Judiciary in Crisis – Trial of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, by T. W. Rajaratnam – 1988
  2. A K Brohi’s Statement in SC, October 10, 1977
  3. Asghar Khan Case Judgment
  4. Asma Jilani Case – 1972
  5. Bhutto Trial and Execution, by Victoria Schofield
  6. Bhutto’s Application in LHC for Transfer of Case – 1977
  7. Bhutto’s Letter to Anwar-Ul-Haq ,Chief Justice Supreme Court, May 1978
  8. Bhutto’s Murder Case Revisited, by A. Basit
  9. Chairman Bhutto’s Reply to Gen Zia Statement in SC
  10. Commitment to History, Affidavit in High Court – 1968
  11. Decision on the Appeal of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto by Supreme Court
  12. Detention Challenged, High Court – 1969
  13. Judgment Lahore High Court Z A Bhutto and others March 1978
  14. Judgment on Validity of Martial Law – 1977
  15. Nusrat Bhutto’s Case on Validity of Martial Law – 1977
  16. Rejoinder by Z A Bhutto in The Supreme Court – October 17, 1977
  17. Summary of SC Judgment in Kasuri Case, February 6, 1979
  18. The Trial and Execution of Bhutto by J. C. Batra
  19. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Trial Documents


  1. Agar Mujhey Qatal Kiya Ghaya (Urdu)
  2. Amriyat Ya Jamhoriat (Urdu)
  3. Aur Line Kat Gayee Koser Niazi (Urdu)
  4. BB Urooj-o-Zawal (Urdu) Part-1
  5. BB Urooj-o-Zawal (Urdu) Part-2
  6. Benazir Kahani (Urdu)
  7. Bhutto Key Akhri 323 Din (Urdu)
  8. Bhutto Khandan Jahad Musalsal  (Urdu)
  9. Burhanpur Ke Sindhi Aulia
  10. Ghadar Koon by Sohail Waraich (Urdu)
  11. Haan Main Baghi Hoon By Javed Hashmi
  12. Jo Dekha Jo Suna (Urdu)
  13. Last 72 days of Benazir Bhutto (Urdu)
  14. Mashriq Kee Betee, Benzair Bhutto Autobiography (Urdu)
  15. My Dearest daughter (Urdu)
  16. Qatil Koon (Urdu)
  17. Qool Bhutto – Tasveer Bhutto (Urdu)
  18. Sada-e-Watan (Urdu)
  19. Sadyoon Ka Beeta (Urdu)
  20. Shahadat Sey Shahadat Tak (Urdu)
  21. Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Seminar (Urdu)
  22. Tum Kitney Bhutto Maroo Gey (Urdu)
  23. Zulfi My Friend by Pillo Mody (Udru)


  1. A Case For Sindhu Desh – G.M Sayed
  2. A Forgotten Chapter of Indian history as described in the memoirs of Seth Naomul Hotchand
  3. A Geographical Analysis of the Khairpur State
  4. A History of Sindh, Suhail Zaheer Lari
  5. A Narrative of a Visit to The Courts of Sinde, by James Burnes – 1831
  6. A Nation in Chains by G M Syed
  7. A Preliminary Report of the 1994 Excavations on the Rohri Hills By: Fabio Negrino & Elsisabetta Starnini
  8. A Speech of Captain Eastwick on Case of Ammers of Sindh, 1844
  9. A Volunteer’s Scramble through Sinde, The Punjab, Hindostan & The Himayalayah Mountains
  10. An Account of the Country of Sindh by James M’Murdo
  11. An Illustrated Historical Atlas of Soomra Kingdom of Sindh By M. H. Panhwar
  12. An Introduction to Karachi 1950 by Maneck B Pithawalla
  13. Ancient Races of Baluchistan Panjab & Sindh
  14. Autobiography of M H Panhwar
  15. Baloch Tribes in Sindh – By Captain T. Postans April 1844
  16. British Correspondence Relative to Sindh
  17. British Policy Towards Sindh upto its Annexation 1843
  18. Campaign of the Indus in a Series of letters
  19. Catlogue Of Maps In The Bombay Archives Vol I
  20. Contributions of Sindh in Movement of Independence of India
  21. Cosmopolitan Connections – The Sindhi diaspora, 1860–2000
  22. Cutch or Random Sketches by Mrs. Postans – 1839
  23. Diary of March through Sindh and Afghanistan – 1843
  24. Early Irrigation Under the British 1843-1932, M H Panhwar
  25. Essays on the History of Sindh by Dr. Mubarak Ali
  26. Five Thousand Years of Pakistan by R. E. M. Wheeler
  27. General John Jacob, Founder of Jacobabad – 1900
  28. Ground Water in Hyderabad and Khairpur Divisons, M H Panhwar
  29. Historical Geography of Sindh
  30. History of Bahawalpur, by Shahamet Ali – 1848
  31. History of Charles Napier’s Administration of Sindh – 1851
  32. History of Irrigation by M H Panhwar
  33. History of Sindh by Mahomed Masoom Name
  34. History of Sindh During Pre-Mughal Period
  35. Hur Operations in Sindh
  36. In the Shadow of History by Dr. Mubarak Ali
  37. Indus Civilization Scholars
  38. Indus Valley Civilisation An Interdisciplenary Perspective Agarwal D.P.
  39. Indus Valley Railway, Administration Report (1878-79)
  40. Invations of India from Central Asia – 1879
  41. Jam Saqi  –  Statement in Military Court
  42. Jam – The man and his Politics by Sayid Ghulam Mustafa Shah
  43. Jinnah – Khuhro Correspondence
  44. Karachi Harbor 1858
  45. Kurachee Past Present and Future
  46. Kurrachee Harbour – I, Report 1864
  47. Kurrachee Harbour – II, Report 1868
  48. Language, Politics and Power in Pakistan The Case of Sindh and Sindhi
  49. Languages of Sindh Between Rise of Amri and Fall of Mansura, M. H. Panhwar
  50. London to Lahore The Euphrates, Scinde and Punjab Railways – 1857
  51. Memoirs on Sindh Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government
  52. Memoirs on the Thurr and Parkur Districts of Sindh by Stanley Napier – 1856
  53. Men and Events of my time in India – 1882
  54. Mohen-jo-Daro by Prof. C. L. Mariwalla
  55. Moon Se Ditha Maau (Sindhi)
  56. MQM VS Government reply by Government(Sindh Case)
  57. MQM VS Government reply by SDG (Sindh Case)
  58. Mullah of Farangees Visits Sindh – 1843
  59. Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus in Sindh Vol-I (1838-39)
  60. Narrative of the Campaign of the Army of the Indus in Sindh Vol-II (1838-39)
  61. Narratives of a Residence at the Court of Meer Ali Murad – I, 1860
  62. Narratives of a Residence at the Court of Meer Ali Murad – II, 1860
  63. On The Completion of the Railway System of the Valley of the Indus – W. P. Andrew, (1869)
  64. Parliamentary Influence and Official Intrugue; Ameers of Sindh – 1858
  65. Personal Observation on Sindh by T. Postans – 1843
  66. Poetry of Shah Bhitai, translated by Elsa Kazi
  67. Policing Insurgency: The Hurs of Sindh
  68. Politics of Sindh under Zia Government by Amir Ali Chandio
  69. Population of Sindh by R F Burton – 1847
  70. Port of Kurrachee 1856-57
  71. Religion and Reality by G M Syed
  72. Report on the Management of Canals & Forests in Sindh (1853)
  73. Report of the Special Committee of the Senate on the Situation in Sindh – 1989
  74. Rise of Indus Civilization (Sindhi)
  75. Role of Sir Abdullah Haroon in the Politics of Sindh (1872-1972)
  76. Rough Notes Sinde And Afghanistan Campaign In 1838-39
  77. Rural Power and Debt in Sindh in the late Nineteenth Century 1865-1901
  78. Saints of Sindh by Peter Mayne
  79. Scenes and scraps from sunny Sindh (India) by a simple soul
  80. Scenes in A Soldier’s Life Sindh, Balochistan & Afghanistan 1839-1843
  81. Scinde and the Punjaub, the gems of India
  82. Scinde in Forties – Colonel Keith Young (1912)
  83. Shah Abdul Latif of Bhit Sindh, Pakistan His Poetry, Life And Times by H.T. Sorley
  84. Sindh A General Introduction by H.T. Lambrick
  85. Sindh Conference 1932
  86. Sindh or The Unhappy Valley by Richard F. Burton Vol – I
  87. Sindh or The Unhappy Valley by Richard F. Burton Vol – II
  88. Sindh Speaks – Rasool Bux Palijo
  89. Sindh-Punjab Water Dispute 1858-2003 by Rasul Bux Palijo
  90. Sindh Through History and Representations French Contributions to Sindhi Studies Edited By Michel Boivin
  91. Sindh; a Reinterpretation of the Unhappy Valley
  92. Sindhi Zuban wa Adab Ki Tareekh (Urdu)
  93. Sindhudesh by G M Syed
  94. Sir Charles Napier & The Directors of East India Company
  95. Sir Charles Napier by T.R.E. Holmes – 1895
  96. Sir Charles Napier by Colonel Sir William F. Butler (1890)
  97. Story of the Sindh Club 1871-1946, J. Humphrey
  98. Sufferings of Sindh Ayub Khuhro – 1930
  99. Tahreek-Azadi mey Sindhi Aliman jo hiso (Sindhi)
  100. Talpur Era in Sindh
  101. Temples of the Indus – Studies in the Hindu Architecture of Ancient Pakistan
  102. The Affairs of Sindh
  103. The Ancient Indus Valley – New Perspectives
  104. The Baloch Race by M. Longworth Dames – 1904
  105. The Case of Sindh; G M Syed
  106. The Chachnamah: An Ancient History of Sindh by Mirza Kalichbeg
  107. The Conquest of Sindh, A Commentary, James Oatram; Vol – 1
  108. The Conquest of Sindh, A Commentary, James Oatram; Vol – 2
  109. The Conquest of Sindh, Charles Napier; Vol – 1
  110. The Conquest of Sindh, Charles Napier; Vol – 2
  111. The Daughter of King Daher
  112. The Establishment of a Steam Flotilla on the Indus
  113. The Gates of India, being a Historical Narrative
  114. The Indian Musalmans by W. W. Hunter – 1876
  115. The Indus and its Provinces by W. P. Andrew – 1857
  116. The Indus Civilization By Ernest Mackay
  117. The Indus Civilization By Sir Mortimer Wheeler
  118. The Land of Five Rivers and Sindh by David Ross – 1883
  119. The Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton Volume I
  120. The Life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton Volume II
  121. The Life and Correspondence of the Sir Bartle Frere Volume I
  122. The Life and Correspondence of the Sir Bartle Frere Volume II
  123. The Musalman Races Found in Sindh, Baluchistan and Afghanistan
  124. The People and Land of Sindh by Ahmed Abdullah
  125. The Sindh Policy (1845)
  126. The Sindh Question, India Bill of 1858
  127. The Sindh Story by Dada Kewalram Ratanmal Malkani
  128. The Story of Sindh, An Economic Survey 1843-1933
  129. The Travels of a Hindoo to Various Parts of Bengal and Upper India Vol-I
  130. The Travels of a Hindoo to Various Parts of Bengal and Upper India Vol-II
  131. They Ruled Sindh for Fifteen Years 1955-1970
  132. Thirty Five Years in the Punjab; 1858-1893 by G. R. Elsmie
  133. Travels in Belochistan and Sindh by Lt. Henry Pottinger – 1816
  134. Travels in India; Sinde and the Punjab Vol I, by Cap. Leopold Von Orlich – 1845
  135. Travels in India; Sinde and the Punjab Vol II, by Cap. Leopold Von Orlich – 1845
  136. Treaties and Agreements between British & Sindh Governments 1758 – 1842
  137. Tuhfat al-Tahireen (Sindhi translation)
  138. Unfinished Autobiography of Sayed Ghulam Mustafa Shah
  139. Wanderings in Balochistan


  1. A Biography of Warren Hastings by Sir Alfred Lyall, K.C.B. (1889)
  2. A Brief History of Pakistan by James Wynbrandt
  3. A Judge May Speak by Justice Khuda Caksh Marri
  4. A Journey to Disillusionment – Sherbaz Khan Mazari
  5. A Nation In Turmoil – Nationalism And Ethnicity In Pakistan, 1937-1958
  6. Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier
  7. An Atlas of the 1971 India – Pakistan War The Creation of Bangladesh
  8. Alive and well in Pakistan
  9. A Forgotten Empire: Vijayanagar; by Robert Sewell (1900)
  10. Afghanistan The Genesis of the the Final Crusade by Abid Ullah Jan
  11. A History of India
  12. A History of the Sepoy War in India. 1857-1858 – Volume I, by John William Kaye
  13. A History of the Sepoy War in India. 1857-1858 – Volume II, by John William Kaye
  14. A History of the Sepoy War in India. 1857-1858 – Volume III, by John William Kaye
  15. A Stranger in my own country East Pakistan 1969-1974
  16. Aboard the Democracy Train A Journey through Pakistan’s Last Decade of Democracy
  17. Alexender the Great By Jacob Abbott
  18. An Odyssey in War and Peace – An Autobiography Lt Gen. J.F.R. Jacob
  19. Aurangzib and the Decay of the Mughal Empire By Stanley Lane-Poole, M.A.
  20. Barak H. Obama – The Unauthorized Biography
  21. Balkanisation and Political Economy of Pakistan by Yousuf Nazar
  22. Bangladesh A Legacy of Blood
  23. Bankrupt The BCCI Fraud
  24. Behind Bars – Javed Nomani
  25. Behind The Myth Of Three Million
  26. Blood and Tears by Qutubuddin Aziz
  27. Captive Kashmir by Aziz Beg (1957)
  28. Castes and tribes of Southern India – Volume I
  29. Castes and tribes of Southern India – Volume II
  30. Castes and tribes of Southern India – Volume III
  31. Castes and tribes of Southern India – Volume IV
  32. Castes and tribes of Southern India – Volume V
  33. Castes and tribes of Southern India – Volume VI
  34. Castes and tribes of Southern India – Volume VII
  35. Class, Power, and Patronage The Landed Elite and Politics in Pakistani Punjab
  36. Cleopatra By Georg Ebers
  37. Confessions of a Thug by Captain Meadows Taylor (1885)
  38. Conflict Between India and Pakistan An Encyclopedia By Lyon Peter
  39. Corridor Calculus China Pakistan Economic Corridor & China’s Comprador Investment Model
  40. Creating a New Medina State Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India
  41. Democracy and Governance in Pakistan by Tahir Kamran
  42. Directorate “S” The CIA and America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan
  43. Dongri to Dubai
  44. Dorab Patel Testament of a Liberal
  45. Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar Founder of The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)
  46. Encyclopedia of Islam by Juan E. Campo
  47. Enchanted India by Prince Bojidar Karageorgevitch
  48. Facts are Sacred by Khan Abdul Wali Khan
  49. Faith and Feminism in Pakistan Religious Agency or Secular Autonomy
  50. Fazl-i-Hussain A Political Biography
  51. Frontline Pakistan
  52. Freedom Battle Mahatma Gandhi
  53. Freedom through Disobedience
  54. From Jinnah to Zia by Muhammad Munir Chief Justice Pakistan
  55. Friends Not Masters A Political Autobiography – General Ayub Khan
  56. M. K. Gandhi An Autobiography
  57. Gandhi and the Middle East Jews, Arabs and Imperial Interests
  58. Gandhi vs Jinnah – The debate over Partition
  59. General Zia – His Winged Death and the Aftermath
  60. Gold and Guns on the Pathan Frontier by Abdul Qaiyum
  61. Great Events In The History Of North And South America
  62. History of Gujarat – 1896
  63. History of India – Volume 1 – From the Earliest Times to the Sixth Century, B.C.
  64. History of India – Volume 2 – From the Sixth Century B.C. to the Mohammedan Conquest, Including the Invasion of Alexander the Great
  65. History of India – Volume 3 – Medieval India from the Mohammedan Conquest to the Reign of Akbar the Great
  66. History of India – Volume 4 – From the Reign of Akbar the Great to the Fall of the Moghul Empire
  67. History of India – Volume 5 – The Mohammedan Period as Described by its Own Historians
  68. History of India – Volume 6 – From the first European Settlements to the Founding of the English East India Company
  69. History of India – Volume 7 – The European Struggle for Indian Supremacy in the Seventeenth Century
  70. History of India – Volume 8 – From the Close of the Seventeenth Century to the Present Time
  71. History of India – Volume 9 – Historic Accounts of India by Foreign Travelers Classic, Oriental, and Occidental
  72. History of the Indians of North and South America
  73. History of Julius Caesar by Jacob Abbott
  74. History of Julius Caesar Vol. 1 of 2
  75. History of Julius Caesar Vol. 2 of 2
  76. History of London – 1892
  77. Historical Atlas of the Islam
  78. Historical Dictionary of Pakistan
  79. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy A Biography
  80. India and the Indians By Edwards F. Elwin (1913)
  81. India Pakistan and the Secret Jihad – The Covert War in Kashmir, 1947–2004
  82. India and Pakistan a General and Regional Geography
  83. India Wins Freedom by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
  84. India’s Struggle for Independence, 1857-1947
  85. In Clive’s Command, A Story of the Fight for India by Herbert Strang (1906)
  86. In Search of Solutions, Autobiography – Ghaus Buksh Bizenjo
  87. Iqbal to Jinnah (A Colletion of Letters)
  88. Iskandar Mirza – Rise and Fall of a President
  89. Islam – Past Present and Future
  90. Jinnah – Creator of Pakistan by Hector Bolitho
  91. Jinnah Gandhi Talks (September, 1944)
  92. Jinnah – His Successes, Failures and Role in History by Ishtiaq Ahmed
  93. Jinnah of Pakistan – Stanley Wolpert
  94. Jinnah, Pakistan and Islamic Identity
  95. Kashmir in Conflict Victoria Schofield
  96. Learning from the History by Mubarak Ali
  97. Life of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan of Kabul, Volume – I
  98. Life of Amir Dost Mohammed Khan of Kabul, Volume – II
  99. Meet Mr Jinnah by A. A. Ravoof (1947)
  100. Memoirs of Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy
  101. Memoir of Lieut.-Col. John Macdonald, etc – 1831
  102. M. K. Gandhi – An Autobiography
  103. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Ashiq Husain Batalvi
  104. Muslims against the Muslim League – Critiques of the Idea of Pakistan
  105. My Feudal Lord by Tehmina Durrani
  106. Nationalism by Sir Rabindarnath Tagore
  107. Muslim India – Rise and growth of the All India Muslim League
  108. Our Real Danger in India by C. Forjett (originally published in 1900)
  109. Qadyaniat Defeated in the Parliament
  110. Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah – First phase of his freedom struggle – 1892-1920
  111. Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah – Second phase of his freedom struggle – 1924-1934
  112. Quaid-e-Azam – The Story of a Nation
  113. Magnificent Delusions Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding
  114. Memoirs of a Bystander – A Life in Diplomacy Iqbal Akhund
  115. Military Agency, Politics and the State The Case of Pakistan
  116. Military Inc. Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy
  117. Mohammad Ali Jinnah – The Great Enigma – An Indian View
  118. Mohomed Ali Jinnah – An Ambassador of Unity
  119. MQM Exposed 1986-96
  120. Muslim Politics (1906-1942)
  121. My Brother by Fatima Jinnah
  122. Our Freedom Fighters 1562-1947 – Twenty One Great Lives G. Allana
  123. Overcoming Pakistan’s Nuclear Dangers
  124. Pakistan: Between Mosque And Military by Husain Haqqani
  125. Pakistan A Hard Country – Anatol Lieyen
  126. Pakistan – A Dream Gone Sour by Roedad Khan
  127. Pakistan, A Personal History. Imran Khan
  128. Pakistan A Slave State Vol I, by Roedad Khan
  129. Pakistan A Slave State Vol II, by Roedad Khan
  130. Pakistan A Slave State Vol III, by Roedad Khan
  131. Pakistan A Slave State Vol IV, by Roedad Khan
  132. Pakistan at the Crossroads. Domestic Dynamics and External Pressures
  133. Pakistan Courting the Abyss by Tilak Devasher
  134. Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism – Allah, the Army, and America’s War on Terror
  135. Pakistan Eye on the Storm
  136. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy 1947-2009 A Concise History
  137. Pakistan-in-Crisis-by-Ashok-Kapur
  138. Pakistan-India Relations a Chronology, 1947-2008
  139. Pakistan Problems of Governance
  140. Pakistan Under the Military – Eleven Years of Zia ul-Haq
  141. Partition And Aftermath – Kewal Singh 1992
  142. Partition of India 1947
  143. Pathway to Pakistan by Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman
  144. Pilgrimage to the Caaba And Charing Cross
  145. Production of Postcolonial India and Pakistan – Meanings of Partition
  146. Punjabi Musalmans by Lt. Col J. M. Wikeley – 1927
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ثانی پنہور کی ذاتی ویب سائٹ

ثانی ایچ پنہور

بھٹو پر کتابیں

ایک نئی شروعات، اصلاحات 1971-72
جنوبی ایشیا کا منظر
بے نظیر بھٹو کو خراج تحسین پیش کرنے کے لیے لکھے گئے مضامین
عوام کو بیدار کرنا، زیڈ اے بھٹو 1966-69
بینظیر بھٹو از کیتھرین ایم ڈوہرٹی
بینظیر بھٹو نے بروک ایلن کی بیٹی کو پسند کیا۔
بینظیر بھٹو: سیاسی سوانح عمری۔
بے نظیر بھٹو: 1989-2007 کی منتخب تقریریں۔
لیفٹیننٹ جنرل فیض علی چشتی (ریٹائرڈ) کی ایک اور قسم کی دھوکہ
بھٹو ایک سیاسی سوانح عمری، از سلمان تاثیر
بھٹو دی مین اینڈ دی مارٹر، از سید غلام مصطفیٰ شاہ
بھٹو، پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی اور پاکستان میں سیاسی ترقی 1971-1977
بھٹو ضیاء اور اسلام، از سید مجاور حسین شاہ
بھٹو: اسے پھانسی نہیں دی گئی، غلام اکبر نے
بھٹو کا پاکستان کا وژن
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی طرف سے دو طرفہ ازم کی نئی سمتیں
بلائنڈ جسٹس، از بشیر ریاض
قسمت کی بیٹی، بینظیر بھٹو کی خود نوشت
پاکستان میں آمریت: ضیا دور کا ایک مطالعہ
تناظر میں خارجہ پالیسی؛ بے نظیر بھٹو
پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی؛ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی تقریریں 1962-64
جیل سے وزیر اعظم تک
بے نظیر بھٹو کے قتل اور پاکستان کی سیاست سے بچنا
میں نے خدا اور انسان کے ساتھ اپنا عہد نبھایا ہے۔ زیڈ اے بھٹو
اگر مجھے قتل کر دیا جائے؛ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو
اہم پریس کانفرنسز – 1965، زیڈ اے بھٹو
تاریخ کے ساتھ انٹرویو، زیڈ اے بھٹو از اوریانا فالاکی
بے نظیر بھٹو کے پاکستان میں مسائل
وزیراعظم بھٹو کے آخری ایام از کوثر نیازی
لوگوں کو فیصلہ کرنے دیں۔ حیدرآباد کنونشن سے خطاب – 1968
پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے منشور 1970 اور 1977
جمہوریت کی طرف مارچ، زیڈ اے بھٹو 1970-71
ایک راہگیر کی یادیں – سفارت کاری میں زندگی اقبال اخوند
میر مرتضیٰ بھٹو؛ ان کی موت کے بعد کے واقعات، از ثانی پنہور
میری پیاری بیٹی، ڈیتھ سیل سے بینظیر بھٹو کے نام خط۔
میری پھانسی؛ سپریم کورٹ میں زیڈ اے بھٹو کا بیان
پاکستان اور علی بھٹو، از فرینڈز آف پاکستان – 1978
پاکستان اور مسلم دنیا؛ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو
پاکستان دی گیدرنگ سٹارم، از بینظیر بھٹو
پاکستان ٹوڈے، از خالد لطیف گوبا – 1977
سریندر ناتھ کوشک کی طرف سے بھٹو کی قیادت میں پاکستان – 1985
اقوام متحدہ کی طرف سے امن کی حفاظت؛ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو – 1967
پاکستان میں سیاست از سریندر ناتھ کوشک – 1984
ایچ ایس بھاٹیہ کے ذریعہ ایک سیاسی قتل کی تصویر
پی پی پی پروگرام – اپریل 1968
خارجہ پالیسی کی تشکیل نو 1946-1966، زیڈ اے بھٹو
Z.A. بھٹو نے 1976 میں سرداری نظام کا خاتمہ کیا۔
جنوری 1995 میں زیڈ اے بھٹو پر سیمینار
بھٹو خاندان کا خوبصورت سانحہ، اسٹیفنی ٹاؤب کی طرف سے
بھٹو قتل کا راستہ – وزیرستان سے جی ایچ کیو تک
عظیم المیہ، از ذوالفقار علی بھٹو – 20 اگست 1971
دی میرج آف پاور، از مبشر حسن
آزادی کا افسانہ، ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کا
دی نیا پاکستان از ستیش کمار – 1978
پاکستان پیپرز، جیل سے سمگل کیے گئے – جنوری 1979
دی کویسٹ فار پیس، زیڈ اے بھٹو 1963-65
جے سی بترا کے ذریعے بھٹو کا مقدمہ اور پھانسی
تیسری دنیا – ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی نئی سمت
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کے اسلام کے کچھ پہلوؤں پر خیالات
آزمائش اور غلطی بے نظیر بھٹو کی آمد اور چاند گرہن
قیوم نظامی کا بے نظیر بھٹو کو خراج تحسین
محترمہ بینظیر بھٹو کے قتل پر اقوام متحدہ کی رپورٹ
ویو پوائنٹ؛ بینظیر بھٹو، ثانی پنہور
کیا بھٹو کو صادق جعفری نے پھانسی دینے سے پہلے قتل کیا تھا؟
کرسٹینا لیمب کے ذریعے اللہ کا انتظار کرنا
جس نے بے نظیر بھٹو کو شکیل انجم کے ہاتھوں قتل کیا۔
شان و شوکت کے گواہ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو
زیڈ اے بھٹو اینڈ دی ہسٹریوگرافی آف 1971
زیڈ اے بھٹو نئے پاکستان کے معمار از سید رسول رضا
پاکستان کا زلفی بھٹو، از اسٹینلے وولپرٹ
زلفی مائی فرینڈ از پیلو مودی
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو اور پاکستان، 1967-1977 از رفیع رضا
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو – کملیشور سنہا کے ذریعے سمٹ کے چھ قدم
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو – سلامتی کونسل 1964 سے پہلے خطاب
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو، جنوری تا مارچ 1973
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو، تقریریں اور انٹرویوز، 1948-1966
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو، تقریریں اور بیانات – 1972
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ چاکر علی جونیجو کی ایک یادداشت
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ فخر زمان اور اختر امان کا سیاسی مفکر
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ جیل فائل، کوٹ لکھپت جیل لاہور
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ ڈیتھ سیل سے نوٹس
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ کرشمہ کی سیاست – مضامین کا انتخاب
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ یاد اور یاد
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ ان کی زندگی پر مختصر کہانی
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو؛ دی فالکن آف پاکستان، از عبدالغفور بھرگڑی

زیب کے قتل کے مقدمے اور دیگر قانونی معاملات پر کتابیں۔

ایک عدلیہ بحران میں – ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کا ٹرائل، از ٹی ڈبلیو راجارتنم – 1988
اے کے بروہی کا سپریم کورٹ میں بیان، 10 اکتوبر 1977
اصغر خان کیس کا فیصلہ
عاصمہ جیلانی کیس – 1972
بھٹو کا مقدمہ اور پھانسی، از وکٹوریہ شوفیلڈ
بھٹو کی درخواست LHC میں کیس کی منتقلی کے لیے – 1977
بھٹو کا خط انوار الحق، چیف جسٹس سپریم کورٹ، مئی 1978
بھٹو کے قتل کیس کا از سر نو جائزہ، بذریعہ اے باسط
سپریم کورٹ میں جنرل ضیاء کے بیان پر چیئرمین بھٹو کا جواب
تاریخ سے وابستگی، ہائی کورٹ میں حلف نامہ – 1968
ذوالفقار کی اپیل پر فیصلہ

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