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About Us – Dunya Ka ilm

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Saad Medical College:

                                                 for Promotion of Promotion Medicine Pakistan (Registered) was established in 2001, with the establishment of this institution, a lot of work has been done in the medical and scientific field under the welfare of humanity.
Initially, free medical camps were set up in remote areas where free medicines were provided to the poor and deserving people. Along with this, medical awareness was given to philanthropists and interested scholars and the importance of nutrition was emphasized. Saad Medical College has collected the data of thousands of people. In which pulse rate, diagnosis, patient’s name and address along with dosage and medication recommendations, symptoms, dosage and medication recommendations were written. It was not given much importance but this data proved to be very useful when Saad Medical College started research on Prophetic medicine and started conducting classes for students.
Tens of books on prophetic medicine were written in its light. The series of research and compilation has been going on gradually for twenty two years. Everyone has the right to benefit. Free treatment and medical facilities are provided to the needy and poor as far as possible.
Saad Pharmacy, Saad Virtual Skills, Saad Pharmacy, Saad Institute of Research and Completion are functioning under Saad Medical College. So far useful books and compilations have been published by the institution. The list of which is given below.Late Saad Yunus who was my eldest son left this mortal world on 26/9/23. May Allah have mercy on them (Ameen) and grant me the ability to continue this work. He is credited with introducing Saad Tabiya College to the digital world. The titles of my books, their formatting, their publication, their promotion on social media, etc. are all the result of their hard work.
Then created a blog under the name and turned it into a website. Turned it into a website before he died.
After that, the knowledge of the world arose.
A free library has been created on both these sites. Where you can find books on various topics, various theories, various health-based medicines, and research articles on modern diseases and current issues. Columns are written.
We want health to be a basic right for everyone. There is a need to raise awareness about nutrition so that drugs are not needed and recipes with minimal ingredients should be used if drug-free alternatives are not available. Dora Saad Medical College started a series of online classes for the promotion of Prophetic Medicine in which many students from Asia, Europe, America, Africa benefited. This mission was beyond imagination. Classes today also on Zoom Whatsapp. The series continues. In which scholars, doctors, general students, religious groups, social workers, people from other fields participated and took classes based on health and wellness and today they are living a healthy life and their families and relatives. are pleasing. Welcome. Better services are being provided to loved ones.
This organization provides free online health and wellness advice and services.
We are active in promoting universal values, cooperation and dialogue among all civilizations. We attract millions of visitors every year from more than 225 countries and territories.

We seek and strive for ideals of nobility of consciousness, truth of expression and action. We believe that peace grows through love and justice, and when “I” becomes “we” and “the dead” becomes “ours.”

It is true that true faith requires a deep reverence for life, a love of life, care for the environment, and an unwavering commitment to social justice. We believe that this universe and everything beyond it is part of God’s creation and the best man is the best of God’s creations.

We are on a mission to empower, nurture, protect and promote values that affirm the integrity of human dignity, human rights and creativity while making the Dinar healthier, more peaceful and beautiful.

For Saad Tibbia  College for Promotion of Medicine Member Night, we invite you to join our grassroots membership to support the most active community for Prophetic Medicine and the most important online Islamic community. can go.For more information, you can visit our YouTube channel. Subscribe to it. And social media links are also given below. You can visit them and express your views and follow and share them.

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