Mental and physical fatigue and their treatment

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Mental and physical fatigue and their treatment

hakeem al meewat

Qari m younas shahid meo



Saad Virtual Skills




Man is always in struggle. He continues to use his mental and physical abilities. Whatever organ or force he leaves, that force is taken away from him. But when a task is overdone, he feels tired. Because the best way to restore these forces is rest/sleep.
Mental fatigue is more than physical fatigue and it is a precursor of many diseases. Remember that understanding is the heart, thinking is the mind. Those who are physically tired should rest and those who are mentally tired should exercise. This is what this video has tried to explain.

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Hakeem Muhammad Younas Shahid

Hakeem Muhammad Younas Shahid

Hakeem Muhammad Younas Shahid, the visionary mind behind Tibb4all, revolutionizes education and daily life enhancement in Pakistan. His passion for knowledge and unwavering community dedication inspire all who seek progress and enlightenment.

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